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The Eider-river barrier

Image Copyright: city-map agentur nord

The Eider cofferdam is an admirable work of water technique of extraordinary size. It shields the marshes on both sides of the Eider reliably from the storm flood, which had hit the area once very hart. Completely forgotten is by now the contrast between Dithmarschen and Eiderstedt through the joined effort of danger liberation.

A more than 5km long embankment, 3,5m higher than a storm flood has ever reached, lines the Eider estuary bay and the Eider estuary itself is sealed off in connection with the imposing river barrier. There are five, each 40m wide sluice openings for the normal tide change; by impending storm floods, the openings are closed with enormous steel segments, so that the flood will break unerringly.

Image Copyright: city-map agentur nord

Busy traffic of fishing boats and freighters is being lead through the lock as well.

Europe's biggest coastal protection building can be rated as one of the most important achievements Schleswig Holsteins' in the 19th-century to prevent forces of nature to create dramatic destitution.

It is not only an imposing technical facility but also a creation of serviceable shapeliness with its extensive landscaping surroundings, an exemplar for the possibility of harmony of nature and technique.
It attracts many visitors, local enthusiasts and holidaymaker. Easy parking in the vicinity of the river barrier makes it an ideal destination for a trip.

The impression of the grandiose barrier, the ships traffic in front and in the lock and especially the view over the expanse of the glorious land and the sea - at low tide over the peculiar forms and colours shimmering sandbanks - you will never forget.

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